Armadilla and the Circular Economy

In a circular economy, waste material and products become the raw material for industry, commerce and manufacturing. Effectively, waste is designed out of the system, and materials are continuously flowing through the supply chain and are retained by businesses and the economy.

“Cradle to cradle” design is based on the conviction that thoughtful design, mirroring the safe, renewing productivity of nature, can create products and economies that are regenerative, not just sustainable.

Materials flows in the economy are classified into two types: biological materials (e.g. food and wood based products), designed to re-enter the biosphere safely, and technical materials (e.g. metals or plastics), which are designed to circulate at high quality without entering the biosphere.

As such, Armadilla’s portfolio has been designed so that it could be deconstructed at the end of its useful life and the various components reclaimed, recycled and reused.

The circular economy is gaining attention as a framework for re-orientating our industrial economy and providing a model for maintaining, and enhancing, economic growth despite the resource constraints we are facing. The concept is being actively supported by the EU, the World Economic Forum and early adopter national economies, most notably China and northern European states. Innovative businesses are already seizing the opportunities.

The concept of a circular economy is not new; rather it is the renewal and concerted implementation of a proven concept at a time when technological, economic and policy conditions that make it an increasingly attractive proposition for governments and businesses.


The Armadilla shape; the key to our WOW factor


Armadilla’s Environmental Policy